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Friday, 29 January 2021


Pedro Snchez attends reception offered by Their Majesties the King and Queen to the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Spain

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Snchez, attended the traditional annual reception for the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Spain, offered by Their Majesties the King and Queen at the Royal Palace in Madrid. The event was also attended by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Arancha Gonzlez Laya.


Pedro Snchez announces 11-billion euro investment to boost digitalisation of SMEs and public authorities and strengthen digital skills

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Snchez, presented three key plans within the framework of the Digital Spain Agenda 2025: the National Digital Skills Plan, the Digitalisation of SMEs Plan 2021-2025 and the Digitalisation of the Public Authorities Plan.


The President of the Government of Spain announces the appointment of the new Minister forTerritorial Policy and Public Function and the new Minister for Health

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Snchez, announced, after notifying the Head of State, King Felipe VI, the changes in the composition of the Government of Spain as a result of the departure of the current Minister for Health, Salvador Illa. Carolina Darias Sebastin will replace him as the new Minister for Health, while Miquel Iceta Llorens will become Minister for Territorial Policy and Public Function.


Government extends Temporary Lay-off Plans to 31 May and raises pensions by 0.9%

The government also extended support for the self-employed until 31 May and increased extensions to rental contracts and moratoriums on property rentals until 9 May.


Pedro Snchez pinpoints youth employment and announces that government is working to improve employability and qualifications of young people

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Snchez, took part by video-conference in the Davos Agenda - an online mobilisation of world leaders that seeks to exchange ideas among politicians, business leaders and civil society to achieve a more inclusive, cohesive and sustainable future in the wake of the crisis caused by COVID-19.


Juan Carlos Campo highlights Spanish commitment to protection of vulnerable adults in cross-border situations


CISNS reaches agreement on application of Vaccination Strategy governed by ethical framework "in which there is no room for shortcuts"


Spain ratifies Protocol of Council of Europe to help strengthen privacy and personal data protection


Employment continued to recover in fourth quarter of 2020 and unemployment rate dropped to close year at 16.1%, beating government forecasts


Reyes Maroto underlines strength of tourist image of Spain. "People want to travel to our country again"


Ministry of Trade launches publicity campaign on Free Trade Agreement between European Union and United Kingdom


Luis Planas urges European Commission to negotiate post-Brexit fishing quotas "with all due guarantees"

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es

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