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Monday, 13 May 2019


Government declares official mourning following death of Alfredo Prez Rubalcaba

The government has declared a period of official mourning following the death of the former Vice-President of the Government, Government Spokesperson and minister of the Government of Spain, Alfredo Prez Rubalcaba. The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, proposed this declaration to H.M. King Felipe VI, made effective by his signing of Royal Decree 345/2019.


Government reports on procedure for counting and notification of election results on 26 May

Each polling station must first count the votes for the elections to the European Parliament, followed by the local elections and regional elections, and finally those to the Canary Island Councils.


Pedro Snchez takes part in Summit on future of Europe in Romanian city of Sibiu

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, is attending the informal meeting of Heads of State and Government of the European Union with the aim of Spain actively participating in the debate and reflection by the 27 members of the goals to be set by the European Union for the next five years.


Carmen Calvo attends the presentation of the Charles V Award to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe


European Commission approves modification of Spanish programme of European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020


The National Health System is extending the funding of glucose monitoring systems with flash sensors for adults with type 1 diabetes


Reyes Maroto advocates implementation of large-scale projects by Spanish companies to modernise Cuba


Government of Spain takes part in 7th plenary session of IPBES


Giovanni Battista Piranesi at National Library of Spain


Recorded unemployment falls by 172,302 year-on-year in April

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es

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