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Monday, 18 March 2019


National Security Council approves 2018 Annual Report, Maritime Security Plan and Procedure against Disinformation Activities

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, who chaired the meeting, stressed that national security "should be a key issue for the Spain of today and tomorrow, a Spain that offers future, is open to the world, has its own voice and is capable of exercising influence".


Pedro Snchez underlines role of culture in sustainable development and Spain's projection overseas

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, held a meeting with representatives from the world of culture in Spain, to whom he called for culture to play a leading role in the sustainable development proposed by the 2030 Agenda.


Pedro Snchez describes putting an end to all kinds of gender-based violence as "absolute priority"

In Gijon (Asturias) on Wednesday afternoon, the President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, visited the La Casa Malva Centre for Comprehensive Care to Women Victims of Gender-based Violence, a pioneering centre in services for these women since 2007.


Pedro Snchez underlines potential of digital revolution for reversing depopulation of inland Spain

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, travelled to Burgos, where he visited the company Automatismos y Sistemas de Transporte Interno (ASTI), the Castile-Leon Technology Institute (Spanish acronym: ITCL) and the city's cathedral. Following a tour of the ITCL premises, he stressed that the centre is a fine example of how to manage major innovations and convert them into opportunities.


Spain leads European strategy to prevent crop and livestock farmers from suffering after Brexit

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, travelled to Cantabria to visit the Altamira Caves and the 'Jess Collado Soto' National Cattle Market in Torrelavega. Following a tour with the town's mayor, Jos Manuel Cruz, the President of the Government informed Cantabrian farmers about the Spanish strategy to defend a strong Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe based on the demand that crop and livestock farmers should not pay the consequences of Brexit.


Pedro Snchez meets with representatives from main environmental associations in Spain

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, met with representatives from the main environmental associations operating in Spain to hear their proposals now that the Strategic Framework on Energy and the Climate is in its public information stage at the Ministry for the Ecological Transition in order to gather contributions from the public.


Tribute to victims of 11-M on 15th anniversary of terrorist attacks

​The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, presided over the tribute to the victims of 11-M, which was also attended by representatives of all the State authorities and political parties present in the Lower House. The event, with the slogan #Memoria11M, took place in front of the Daoiz y Velarde sports centre, which 15 years ago was the first field hospital to attend to those injured in the attacks, where neighbours and volunteers took dozens of passengers of the train that was blown up on its arrival into Atocha station.


Government of Spain agrees to rebury Francisco Franco's remains in El Pardo on 10 June

The Council of Ministers concluded the procedure for the exhumation of the remains of Francisco Franco from the Valle de los Cados and has ordered the reburial at the Mingorrubio-El Pardo cemetery in Madrid. The government also approved investments for developing the rural environment.


Spanish maritime authority works with France after Grande America sinks


Margarita Robles commits to "revolution for peace in conflict zones"


Minister for Public Works and Minister for Culture and Sport propose the finance of 99 projects to enhance the value of the historical heritage


Spanish and Moroccan governments promote cooperation for progress on transparency, administrative reform and public service management


European Aviation Safety Agency bans Boeing 737-8 MAX and 737-9 MAX from EU airspace


Reyes Maroto highlights strategic fit of relations between Spain and Mexico


Spanish Ministry of Work, Migration and Social Security launches website page with information for the public about Brexit

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es

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