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Monday, 24 June 2019


Government allocates 15 million euros to food and leisure for vulnerable children over the summer

The government also approved the Technical Plan for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) for the rollout of 5G networks and subsidies so that residents' associations can adapt their collective antennas to receive channels.


Pedro Snchez defends stabilising budget for the Eurozone

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, took part in a second working session of the European Council in Brussels, at which leaders discussed the withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union and engaged in a Euro Summit.


In Brussels, Pedro Snchez argues that European Union should lead fight against climate change

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, attended the European Council meeting in Brussels that was focused on the debate surrounding the distribution of responsibility within the European Union for the next institutional cycle. The Heads of State and Government agreed to continue the debate and negotiations for this process on 30 June at an extraordinary European Council meeting in order to establish the distribution of responsibility.


Pedro Snchez meets with Emmanuel Macron and Antnio Costa in Brussels

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, held a meeting in Brussels with the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the Portuguese Prime Minister, Antnio Costa, to further develop negotiations on the institutional distribution of senior positions in the European Union, prior to the European Council meeting on Thursday afternoon.


Pedro Snchez attends presentation of honours to 41 citizens on fifth anniversary of proclamation of Felipe VI as King

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, attended the presentation of honours of the Order of Civil Merit, presided over by the King and Queen of Spain at the Royal Palace in Madrid, on the fifth anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI as King.


Santa Cruz de Tenerife Observatory recognised by World Meteorological Organisation as long-term meteorology observation station


84% of all nursery education includes foreign language studies


Spain keeps its action protocols to tackle Ebola up-to-date


UNESCO approves three new biosphere reserves in Spain


Spain includes major improvements in negotiations for the reform of the CAP


Criminal organisation allegedly engaged in financing terrorism and money laundering dismantled


Spain is European benchmark in evidence-informed healthcare

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