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Monday, 25 February 2019


President of the Government meets with Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Lfven

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, and the Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Lfven, addressed the Multiannual Financial Framework being negotiated at this time and which, in their opinion, should rise to the challenges facing the European Union in a globalised world, such as innovation, digitalisation, education, the construction of sustainable infrastructures and climate change.


Pedro Snchez receives businessman John Hoffman, President of Mobile World Congress at Moncloa Palace

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, received John Hoffman, CEO of the Groupe Spcial Mobile Association (GSMA) and Director of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) at Moncloa Palace. The MWC is the most important international event on mobile technology and telecommunications in the world, which has been organised annually in Barcelona since 2006.


President of the Government places problem of child poverty as a "State affair"

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, inaugurated the Business Summit to Combat Child Poverty, which primarily seeks to ensure greater participation from companies in the fight against inequality and social exclusion among children in Spain.


Pedro Snchez takes part in tribute to Francisco Toms y Valiente on 23rd anniversary of his murder by terrorist group ETA

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, took part in a tribute to Francisco Toms y Valiente, organised by the Athenaeum of Madrid on the 23rd anniversary of his murder by the terrorist group ETA in his office at the Autonomous University of Madrid.


President of the Government presents raft of energy and climate measures for next decade

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez and the Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, presented the raft of energy and climate measures at an event also attended by the Ministers for the Treasury, Mara Jess Montero, for Work, Migration and Social Security, Magdalena Valerio, and for Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto.


Pedro Snchez meets with Michel Barnier, Chief Negotiator of the European Union for Brexit

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, received the Chief Negotiator of the European Union for Brexit, Michel Barnier. They examined the points on which agreement has been reached and agreed to underline the need to maintain the unity of action of the rest of the partners of the European Union.


President of the Government gives interview on RTVE

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, was interviewed live from Moncloa Palace on the second edition of the TVE news programme, presented by Carlos Franganillo. This is the first interview with the President of the Government following the announcement of general elections called for 28 April.
Non official translation


Pedro Snchez visits new facilities of Security Command Centre at Moncloa Complex

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, visited the new facilities of the Security Command Centre (Spanish acronym: CEMAS) at the Moncloa Complex. This centre is tasked with both the physical security of the complex, and with coordinating the security details and protocols established for the President of the Government and other protected figures.


Government presents Strategic Energy and Climate Framework

This framework contains the government's commitment to facilitate economic development towards a sustainable and competitive model, which minimises the impact of the energy transition, fosters job creation and improves the quality of life of citizens, particularly the most vulnerable.


Exports of goods rise by 2.9% and set new record


Nadia Calvio estimates that Spanish economy will grow by more than European average this year, with dynamic investment and lower unemployment


Fernando Grande-Marlaska promotes advanced cooperation on migration with Africa


While on visit to Ivory Coast, Fernando Grande-Marlaska says that immigration should be "legal, orderly and safe"


Spain will demand reciprocity in EU agriculture agreements with non-EU countries, says Luis Planas


Average of 1,966.699 foreign citizens contributing to Spanish Social Security system in January


Spain establishes closer relations with France on education to face challenges of coming years


International investors convey their confidence in Spanish economy to Minister for Economy and Business

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es

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