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Monday, 25 March 2019


Pedro Snchez advocates strengthening Monetary Union without losing social dimension of Single Market

At Friday's European Council meeting, the EU28 addressed the preparations for the European Union-China Summit to be held on 9 April, and exchanged perspectives on bilateral relations with China in a global context.


Spain advocates Brexit agreement that safeguards legal certainty of EU

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, travelled to Brussels to take part in the European Council of Heads of State and Government on 21 and 22 March, which is addressing the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and which is also expected to adopt conclusions on such matters as jobs, growth and the competitiveness of the EU, climate change and the fight against fake news in the context of the upcoming European and national elections.


Pedro Snchez argues that Theresa May should be heard out before taking a decision on Brexit

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, stressed the importance of this meeting for the future of the European Union, upon his arrival at the headquarters of the European Council. The key, he stated, is to listen to the opinion of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, in order to decide on the extension that the United Kingdom is requesting for its withdrawal from the EU.


Pedro Snchez advocates a "more social" Europe to recover European spirit and cohesion

The President of the Government proposes a road map that includes a social, feminist and ecological Europe, with a more ambitious European Budget, Monetary Union and its own defence framework, among other goals, and commits to pro-European forces in elections in which "Europe's role - driving forward or lagging behind - is at stake".
Non official translation


President of the Government believes that science is "crucial" for Spain's commitments to UN 2030 Agenda

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, held a meeting at Moncloa Palace with more than 150 representatives from the field of science, research and innovation in Spain, at which he was accompanied by Pedro Duque, the Minister for Science, Innovation and Universities, and Cristina Gallach, the High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda.


Government approves Return to Spain Plan

The aim of the Plan is to foster the return to Spain of those Spaniards who left the country due to the crisis but who now wish to return. The government also approved actions to combat poverty and social exclusion and a new regulation to speed up international adoptions.


Ministry for Ecological Transition takes part in World Water Day


Spain exported goods for 22.52 billion euros in January


Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food celebrates International Day of Forests by underlining importance of Spanish forest heritage


Average of 1,985,280 foreign citizens contributing to Spanish Social Security system in February


Spain pushes for conclusion of CAP reform after hearing the post-2020 crop and livestock farming budget

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