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Monday, 27 June 2016


Institutional statement on Brexit by the acting President of the Government

While speaking at Moncloa Palace, the acting President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, gave his assessment of the result from the referendum held in the United Kingdom in which the option of the departure of Great Britain from the EU was chosen. Besides sending a message of "peace and calm", Mariano Rajoy announced that he will meet with the leaders of the main political forces in Spain, before attending the European Council meeting due to be held next week.


Government approves Summer Plan 2016 and steps up the fight against wildfires

The Council of Ministers also allocated 35 million euros to promoting the comprehensive integration of immigrants and 20 million euros in subsidies to innovative companies. The acting government also assessed the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union following the result of Thursday's referendum.


​Spain has taken in 114 refugees, 30 of whom arrived from Greece on Friday, in the last week


Fight against fraud uncovers large fortunes hidden since before economic crisis


Contributory pensions amount to 8.49 billion euros in June


Third group of refugees, comprising 18 Syrians, arrives from Turkey


​29 refugees arrive from Turkey to be resettled in Spain


37 refugees arrive from Greece for relocation in Spain


State Secretary for the European Union meets with spokespersons for Joint Upper-Lower House Committee for the EU


​First group of Syrian refugees from Turkey for resettlement in Spain arrived in Madrid on Tuesday night


Average number of foreign citizens registered with Spanish Social Security system stands at 1,731,018 in May


Spain has received European funding for sum of 2.66 billion euros to develop transport infrastructure over 2014 and 2015


EUROPOL launches international police operation "Ciconia Alba 2016" to combat organised crime


Third meeting of Informal Group of Experts under Security Council Resolution 2242


Exports grow by 1.8% and deficit falls by 28.2% to April

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