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Monday, 28 March 2016


Mariano Rajoy calls for a "commitment from everyone" to avoid further events such as the Germanwings tragedy

​One year on from the tragic event, Acting President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, attended a tribute for the victims of Germanwings Flight 9525. As well as conveying his thoughts and condolences to the families of the victims, he highlighted the perfect coordination and fine example of collaboration that followed the tragedy.


Institutional declaration by Mariano Rajoy on attacks in Brussels

Acting President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, made an institutional declaration in Ayamonte (Huelva) following the terrorist attacks in Brussels (Belgium), in which he underlined that the fight against terrorism requires perseverance, dedication, collaboration and intelligence.


​Mariano Rajoy insists that attacks in Brussels are "an attack against us all, against our way of life and our understanding of life"

After expressing Spain's solidarity with the people of Belgium in the wake of the attacks in Brussels, the acting President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, called for unity from all to combat the terrorist threat and sent a message of calm and confidence in the State law enforcement agencies.


"Defeating terrorism will require a constant and long-term effort from the European Union, as well as close cooperation with our partners and allies", says Jorge Fernndez Daz


Spanish State Museums, the new website of the State Secretariat of Culture that will help prepare visits to its 16 State Museums


Contributory pensions amount to 8.43 billion euros in February


Productive foreign investment has grown by 11% to over 21.7 billion euros


Spanish export growth continues in January

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