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Monday, 3 June 2019


Pedro Snchez calls for commitment from business leaders to push through Agenda for Change and ecological transition

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, closed off the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cercle dEconomia in Sitges, an event at which he was accompanied by the Acting Minister for Economy and Business, Nadia Calvio, and by the President of the Cercle dEconomia, Juan Jos Brugera. The Acting President of the Government called for a commitment from business leaders to progress and social justice.


Government agrees to declaration of redress for last Spanish survivor of Buchenwald concentration camp

The government also authorised contracts for the conservation and operation of highways in Jaen, Asturias and Burgos and for railway supplies.


Pedro Snchez backs an alliance of pro-European and progressive forces in the European Union

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, travelled to Brussels to take part in the informal dinner of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union, at which the European leaders reviewed the election results and exchanged perspectives on the appointments to senior positions within the EU institutions and on the strategic agenda 2019-2024.


Pedro Snchez and Angela Merkel analyse future European strategic agenda in Brussels

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, held a bilateral meeting in Brussels prior to the informal dinner of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union.


Pedro Snchez meets with Emmanuel Macron at lyse Palace

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, held a meeting with the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, at the lyse Palace (Paris) to analyse the results of the elections to the European Parliament. Pedro Snchez and Emmanuel Macron also addressed the Strategic Agenda of the European Union 2019-2024 and the renewal of senior positions to the EU institutions. (Non official translation)


Government positively views request from EU for WTO to open a panel on the black olive


Altamira Museum's Second Canvas app is now available for mobile users


Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Ministry of Home Affairs enhance their collaboration on surveillance and control of maritime fishing activities


Sports tourism generated 2.44 billion euros in Spain in 2018, 10% up on the previous year.


Pedro Duque chairs the joint EU/ESA Space Council


Nadia Calvio takes part in sustainable development and climate change event in the Vatican

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