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Monday, 6 May 2019


Government of Spain appeals against law in the Balearic Islands on environmental assessment

The acting Government of Spain believes that the formal and material requirements are met for challenging certain sections of the law at the Constitutional Court after no agreement was reached during the negotiations held between the General State Administration Services of Spain and the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands.


"We have returned to settle a debt with our history", states Dolores Delgado in Mauthausen, in reference to Spanish victims of Nazism


"Prado National Museum is a symbol of this country and our culture", says Jos Guirao


More than 80,000 students around the world learn Spanish language and culture thanks to overseas action by Ministry of Education and Vocational Training


Spain submits Stability Programme 2019-2022 and National Reform Programme 2019 to European Union


Social security accounts post a positive balance of 3.69 billion euros

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es

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