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Monday, 8 April 2019


Government approves Plan to Combat Long-term Unemployment

The Plan seeks to reduce the number of long-term unemployed by half a million over the next three years. The government also approved the National Strategy to Combat Energy Poverty 2019-2024 and regulated the conditions for the self-consumption of electricity.


Pedro Snchez takes part in plenary session of Royal Spanish Academy

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, visited the headquarters of the Royal Spanish Academy (Spanish acronym: RAE) to attend its plenary session. He also visited the library and signed the visitors' book. 


Pedro Snchez and Barack Obama analyse challenges facing young people in today's world in Seville

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, met in Seville with the former President of the United States, Barack Obama, within the framework of the WTTC Global Summit being held in Seville on Wednesday and Thursday.


Pedro Snchez advocates sustainable tourism from environmental, cultural and social perspective

At the WTTC Global Summit, being held in Seville, the President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, called for rural tourism to be boosted as an "opportunity" to combat depopulation in inland Spain, pointed to Spain as a leading global tourism power and underlined that tourism and travel are essential pillars of human progress and global cultural connectors instead of "walls and introversion".


Pedro Snchez endorses the practice of sport as a school of integration, respect and equality

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, has attended the 39th National Sports Gala of the Spanish Sporting Press Association, which recognises the best Spanish sportspeople of 2018. He presented the awards for "Great Ladies of Spanish Sport", granted for their contribution to making Spanish women's sport more visible around the world.


President of the Government considers fight against child poverty "an absolute priority"

At the meeting entitled "Child Poverty and the 2030 Agenda", the President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, advocated a State policy in this field to guarantee support for the work of civil society and pointed out that equal opportunities are incompatible with serious childhood inequalities.


Ribeira Sacra, new Spanish candidate for UNESCO's World Heritage Site


Reyes Maroto collects Global Champion Award 2019 in category of innovation and technology


The National Transplant Organisation presents its strategy to improve the National Bone Marrow Plan, which now has some 400,000 donors


Inbound tourist arrivals up by 3.8% in February, with spending up by 2.9%


Recorded unemployment falls by 167,467 in March on the same month last year

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es

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