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Monday, 8 July 2019


Government allocates 100 million euros to Family Protection and Child Poverty Programme

The budget will be shared between the VECA Programme, social intervention projects and social benefits. The Government also approved the distribution of funds for temporarily suspending fishing activity.


The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, gave an interview on Telecinco

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, gave an interview live to Pedro Piqueras for the programme Informativos Telecinco, just over two weeks before the Investiture Debate for the Presidency of the Government in Lower House of Parliament.

Non official translation


Pedro Snchez stresses that government will not allow a single backward step to be taken in fight against sexual discrimination

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, declared that Spain will continue moving forwards in the fight against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity despite attempts by intolerant groups to take backward steps in this field. Pedro Snchez reiterated the government's commitment to ensure that equality is real at an event entitled 'Proud of our diversity' held at Moncloa Palace with representatives of LGTBI groups on the occasion of Pride Week.


Spain again has presence among senior officials of European Union after 15 years

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, attended the meeting of the Extraordinary European Council in Brussels, which agreed on the distribution of the senior positions at the main institutions of the European Union, and which nominated the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, to become the High Representative for Foreign Policy and Defence, and as the Vice-President of the European Commission.


Pedro Snchez trusts that an agreement will be reached on Tuesday on the distribution of senior EU positions

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, has held various meetings over two days with his European counterparts during the course of the Extraordinary European Council called to discuss the renewal of the senior EU positions for the next five years.


Risco Cado added to UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites


General Senz de Santamara, appointed as head of military advisers on UN mission in Colombia


Over 29.6 million inbound tourists to visit Spain this summer and spend 33.91 billion euros


Spain heads up international coalition to work on air quality and the just transition, and to increase climate ambition


23% fewer illegal immigrants arrive in first half of 2019 than in 2018


Recorded unemployment falls by 146,476 year-on-year in June

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