Mike Adams Lab-Verified Hawaiian Astaxanthin is finally back in stock at the HRS

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Hawaiian Astaxanthin

One of nature's most powerful antioxidants, astaxanthin provides numerous health benefits, such as supporting the healthy functions of your heart, brain, skin, joints, eyes and immune system. This potent antioxidant can also support optimal energy levels, as well as overall strength, stamina and endurance. In fact, astaxanthin is:

  • 6,000x stronger in antioxidant power than vitamin C
  • 800x better at singlet oxygen quenching than CoQ10
  • 550x stronger than green tea catechins and vitamin E
  • 54x more effective at free radical scavenging than beta-carotene

The Health Ranger Store understands how difficult it can be to acquire ultra-clean, lab-verified astaxanthin from a reliable source. That's why we've gone above and beyond to bring you a new, ultra-clean lot of lab-verified astaxanthin supplements sourced from the pristine waters of Hawaii.

Health Ranger's Hawaiian Astaxanthin has one of the highest potency levels of astaxanthin per gel cap available on the market today. It is derived from microalgae that has been carefully grown in Hawaiian freshwater, one of the last places on earth with a pristine environment. Our Health Ranger's Hawaiian Astaxanthin gel caps contain no gluten, GMOs or BSE and have been thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology. They are also Natural Algae Astaxanthin (NAXA)-Verified, vegan, non-China and non-irradiated.

Due to the current world-wide shortages as well as logistic disruptions, it was extremely difficult to find and bring in our latest inventory and we cannot guarantee when we will be able to acquire another clean batch. Supplies are strictly limited, so stock up on lab-verified astaxanthin now, while supplies last.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

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