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June 8, 2017


Today's Top Stories

U.S. Labor Department Takes Steps to Reconsider Fiduciary Rule

Ameriprise Drops Hundreds of Funds Offered to Brokerage Clients

Michael Thrasher


The Lost Art Of The Phone: Turn Yours Into A Tool For Growth

Sponsored by Commonwealth Financial Network

You already have a key tool for growing your business—the phone. How to use it more strategically. 


When Robos Go Bad

Diana Britton


Cetera Adding Facial Recognition Software To Advisor Tech Stack

Ryan W. Neal


Advisors Should Handle Cash like a Separately Managed Account

Michael Halloran


The Daily Brief

Amazon Engineer Turns His Brokerage Account Into Crowdsourced Game

People are now comfortable with algorithms managing their money, but what about the collective intelligence of thousands of Internet strangers? That’s what Mike Roberts, a 26-year-old software engineer for Amazon, is trying to figure out with StockStream, a game broadcast on Twitch that lets anonymous people vote on how Roberts should invest his personal $50,000 brokerage account. Roberts coded the game himself, and every five minutes it takes votes (which literally anyone can cast) and either buys or sells a stock. Everything happens automatically using the online brokerage Robinhood. After its first week and hundreds of thousands of votes, including some trolls intentionally trying to derail the project, Roberts’s account added more than $700 in value, the Wall Street Journal reported.

More Companies Are Considering Financial Wellness Programs
More companies are considering including financial wellness programs in their benefits packages to encourage higher utilization of employer-sponsored savings and investment programs and productivity gains from a reduction of financial-related stress. Out of companies surveyed, only 38 percent already offer financial wellness education (compared to more than 90 percent that offered a 401(k) program). But 14 percent of companies are considering financial wellness programs, according to a recent Charles Schwab white paper.

Umpqua Bank Hires Wealth Management Chief
Portland, Oregon-based Umpqua Bank has named Kent Grubaugh head of its wealth management division, Bank Investment Consultant reports. Grubaugh, who comes from City National Bank, will be in charge of overseeing and expanding Umpqua's private banking and investment management services to high-net-worth clients, professional services firms and nonprofits. He follows Kelly Jonson, who set up Umpqua's wealth management division in 2009 and left in 2014 after the acquisition of Sterling Financial. Umpqua has 350 locations in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California and Northern Nevada.