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February 13, 2017


Today's Top Stories

Labor Department to Delay, Revisit Fiduciary Rule

United Capital Rolls Out New Client-Facing Tech

Michael Thrasher


Life Insurance: It Was Never Just About Taxes

Kristin Bulat


January 2017 Fintech Report Card - Top 8 Tech Events

Aaron Klein


Americans Renouncing Citizenship at Record High

Suzanne Woolley | Bloomberg


Sponsored Content

The Department of Labor Conflict of Interest Rule: At risk or on track, and what should firms do?

Sponsored by Advicent

Advicent, the leading provider of financial planning software across the globe, has been closely monitoring the new Conflict of Interest Rule from the Department of Labor (DOL) since its first draft more than six years ago.

The Daily Brief

Huey Lewis Gives Investment Advice

CNBC caught up with Huey Lewis, the famed singer of 1980s-era classics like The Power of Love , The Heart of Rock & Roll and Hip to be Square and asked him for some investing advice. "If you're looking to invest, then just buy some funds and wait five years," Lewis told Squawk Box from the Pebble Beach Pro-Am golf tournament. Is is really that easy? Not quite. Lewis did admit that in this market environment, with record highs being hit on a regular basis, now might not be the time to start investing. "Hang on for a little bit," the singer said. "Just keep your powder dry for a while."

Some HNW Clients Have Ten Year Vacation Plans

HNW parents sometimes plan family travel up to 10 years ahead of time, in the hopes of providing their children with immersive foreign experiences, according to The Hollywood Reporter. To come up with a long-term travel strategy, many employ concierge services with annual retainers or membership fees, which start at about $5,000. The purpose is to open the worldview of children incrementally: begin at the age of 8 or 9 with "visceral pleasures" (Italy is considered a good starting point), and "as kids age, they can graduate to Japan and Israel, then, down the line, Southeast Asia and African safaris," according to the article. It's not all for fun and games, though. The 10-year plans are partially designed to help with Ivy League applications.

LESG Issues ESG Disclosure Guide  
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) has issued environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) reporting  guidance to the 2,700 companies with securities listed on LSEG's U.K. and Italian markets. Offered through the group's Global Sustainable Investment Centre, the 60-page guide outlines what ESG information investors want from publicly traded companies and stems, according to LSEG, from investor demand. "We have a critical role to play and this new ESG guide is an important tool to encourage and assist issuers of all sizes to integrate ESG factors into their investor reporting and communication," said Nikhil Rathi, CEO of London Stock Exchange plc and Director of International Development, LSEG.