Wealth Management FinTech

MAY 4, 2020

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Alternative Properties

Land Lease Properties Perform Well Amid the Crisis

Manufactured housing properties are not only surviving the economic crisis created by the spread of the novel coronavirus. By some accounts the sector is thriving compared to other types of real estate.



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How LinkedIn Became the New Lunch

I’m sure you’re a really nice person, but when it comes to pitching your deal, trust me (I’m a doctor), as little as you want to have yet another lunch with a prospect, they don’t either. And the good news all around in these crazy days of COVID-19—you can’t anyway!


Distressed Real Estate

Early Stages of Navigating Forbearance in the Time of COVID-19

Borrowers of commercial and multifamily properties considering options as the COVID-19 pandemic plays out must weigh a host of immediate decisions, some with short-term implications, as well as others that carry longer term impacts. For all parties involved, no one has been through a pandemic and workout policies for this situation are being created along the way. To be sure, the path ahead in this era of COVID-19 will not be simple or easy to navigate during these highly volatile times, whether borrowers intend to seek payment relief, loan modifications or other forbearance requests.


Sponsored Research

Exclusive Net Lease Trends Research: Stars of the Show

Prior to the pandemic, industrial and medical office properties were already at the top of net lease investors' wish lists.



Ultra-Rich Families With Cash on Hand Pile Into Private Debt

As the coronavirus upends financial markets, family offices with money to spend are boosting private debt and credit holdings to take advantage of cheaper valuations and avoid the volatility of stock markets. Meanwhile, central banks are keeping economies afloat with cheap-money policies and negative yields, making assets that used to preserve and grow family fortunes less effective.


Trump Donor Whose Hotels Won Small-Business Loans Returns Money

Texas hotelier Monty Bennett, whose companies own 130 properties across the country, said Saturday that he will return the loans provided under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.


Eight Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today

Appollo is raising $20 billion in the coming year in a bid to capitalize on the wave of distressed investment opportunities that will emerge, reports the Wall Street Journal. Based on the experiences of the past month many companies are considering more permanent work-from-home positions, according to CNBC. Stan Johnson spoke to GlobeSt.com about the developing buyer’s market. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.