Tu Salud News Update
$21M NIH Grant to Extend Largest Long-Term Study of Latino Health
The grant will extend the national Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos to 2033.
Extended Paxlovid May Help Some People with Long COVID
An up-close look at how patients respond to the drug at different times and doses adds nuance to a recent finding that Paxlovid does not work for long COVID.
Guidance for People With HIV Displaced by Los Angeles Wildfires
Resources are available for displaced people with HIV and the health care professionals who support them.
Give the Gift of Health Care Coverage
Check out plan options on HealthCare.gov and #GetCovered. The deadline to enroll in marketplace coverage from ACA health insurance is January 15.
Healthy Recipe: Roasted Grape & Walnut Salad
Serve this delicious salad on a bed of cancer-fighting arugula.
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