Celebrity Series at Home

Offer Ends September 18

You Love Performances, Get the Best Value!

Enrich your Fall with 6 digital performances, produced specifically for you. This Fall, join the Boston arts community and Celebrity Series audiences online for 6 memorable experiences with artists such as the Watkins Family Hour, Alisa Weilerstein & Inon Barnatan, and more!

Each premiere of the streamed concert is followed by a live chat with the featured artist(s). The concert is available for later viewing up to 72 hours after the premiere. 

The 6-Concert Package is available until September 18 at 11:59 pm.


Celebrity Series of Boston is grateful to our 2020-21 season sponsors Amy & Joshua Boger, and to the many individuals, corporations, foundations, and government agencies whose support helps fulfill our mission to present performing artists who inspire and enrich our community and our vision of a community of Greater Boston where the performing arts are a valued, lifelong, shared experience - on stages, on streets, in neighborhoods - everywhere.