Hello Voornaam,
There are just two days left on our Father’s Day special of buy-one-get-one-free BrainHQ! Until the end of June 18, you can buy an annual BrainHQ subscription for yourself and get a free one-year gift to give to the dad in your life—or to anyone you care about. Help yourself and your loved one think faster, focus better, and remember more—not to mention drive more safely, keep your mood up, hear better, protect your health, and much more—all proven benefits of BrainHQ.

Since BrainHQ is an online program, there’s still time to purchase for Father’s Day. You can send the gift electronically or print out a certificate to deliver in person! 
Shop Now
P.S. If you live someplace that celebrates Father’s Day at a different time of year, you can still use this offer. You are welcome to send your free gift to a non-dad, or keep the gift and send it when your Father’s Day comes around. The gift year won’t start until someone activates it.
*Please note that gifts cannot be applied to the purchaser’s account. This offer is only available on our website, and not through the App Store or Google Play.
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