One more day to sign up

Free Press Action

Friend — there are just hours left to sign up as a Free Press Action monthly sustainer and have a generous donor DOUBLE your contribution for 12 months. We’re just 18 donors shy of our goal of inspiring 50 new Connectors to join us.

We’re so thankful you’re in the fight with us, friend. Will you start a recurring gift as a Connector by midnight tomorrow to take advantage of this special match offer? We’ll send you an exclusive Connector sticker pack so you can show off your support for reviving local news, fighting disinformation and so much more.

Can’t give monthly? No worries! Even a one-time gift made before tomorrow's end-of-month deadline goes a long way.

Remember, every dollar you commit to giving monthly by midnight tomorrow will go 2x as far for 12 months. Take advantage of this special offer to double your impact on our work.

Thank you so much for your support,

Kimberly Longey

P.S. We'll send you an exclusive sticker pack when you start a monthly gift to Free Press Action by midnight tomorrow.

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