Jambo John,

Way back in the day… I had a dream. 

I dreamt about a “hub” where like-minded thinkers could hang-out, support each other, and seek inspiration. 

A philosophical club – where we meet weekly, talk about spirituality, and delve deep into the nature of reality. 

That dream has since come to pass (as most dreams that are envisioned clearly and lived into do!). Every Tuesday, for 2 years, members and I have been meeting weekly & waxing philosophically on life, dreams, and happiness. 

It’s one of the most grounding rituals in my life, and members agree:

I believe we all need a circle of support right now amidst the seeming chaos of the world to help us stay grounded in truth, centered in our power, and reminded of life's magic. That's why I'm granting you 30 days FREE access.❤️

➤➤Here’s when we’re meeting in March: 

Tuesday, March 1 - How to Move Energy into Form (recording now available)

Tuesday, March 8 - Unleashing Your Greater Self (join us live today!)

Tuesday, March 15 - Assembling Your Angels and Guides

Tuesday, March 22 - Hitting the Sweet Spot of Every Manifestation

Tuesday, March 29 - A Life Wake-Up Call (watch me coach live!)

This free membership offer ends tonight at midnight, so please don't wait.


LAST CHANCE to join us FREE for 30 days!

See you on the other side, ️

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