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Dear Reader,


Our society is having an in-depth discussion of sexual misconduct in the workplace. The commercial real estate industry is not immune to this problem. In that vein, we are conducting anonymous research to discover to what extent sexual harassment and discrimination affects the sector.


Because we want to get as accurate a picture of the industry as possible, we encourage everyone to participate—men, women, those who have been the victims of sexual harassment or have witnessed it, those who never have, those who feel the industry should do more to combat such events and those who feel the industry has done a good job of preventing them from happening.


Please tell us about your experiences by filling out our quick poll. The survey includes some general demographic questions for statistical purposes, but participants will not be asked to identify themselves so responses will be completely anonymous.


We look forward to hearing from you and are grateful for your input. Look for the survey results in an upcoming issue of NREI.




Elaine Misonzhnik
Executive Editor
National Real Estate Investor











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