Dear John,
This is your last chance to be a part of our celebration of Dad's 92nd birthday celebration by getting anything you want in the Ziglar online store for 50% off.
Whenever you lose someone you love, and that time of year comes around, you want to do something to make that day special.
As my sisters and I thought about it, we figured:
With all the people’s lives Dad impacted, why not let other people be a part of that celebration?
It reminds me of something Dad said over and over (and I’ve said over and over in these notes to you over the last couple of days):
“You can get anything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.”
May I ask you:
What do you want?
One of the things Dad wanted was to earn good money.
He often times said:
“I’ve had money. And I’ve had no money.
Having money is better…
In fact, it’s reasonably close to oxygen on the gotta-have-it scale!”
But that’s not all ...
Dad also wanted great relationships, and that’s one of the things that he most cherished in life. His relationship with his family, his relationships with the people he worked with…
And, his relationship with you, the people he worked for.
Every time he stepped on stage, he was working for the people in that audience. He was working to help them build a better life.
Timeless classics that Dad spent a lifetime learning and creating for you... we’ve got them available.