Dear John,

Enrollment for TinkerLab Schoolhouse is open through the end of today!

In the TinkerLab community, we've been making massive progress developing a creative mindset, setting up easy prompts for our kids, and connecting with our children through art and hands-on making. When you join today, you'll get 4 weeks of activities, all available to dive into right away, with new activities coming each week.

What our members are saying

What this could look like for you:

If you want to build artful memories with your child and you're ready to fill your child's days with more than paper and crayons...

...we'll show you how you can reimagine creativity with simple, open-ended activities that spark curiosity.

Making your life simpler, more connected, and creative, as a Schoolhouse member you'll receiveweekly plans of imagination-boosting prompts that explore drawing, painting, printmaking, fiber, building, creativity exercises, and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math).

With our activity sheets and supply list in hand, all you have to do is set up the materials, encourage your child to create, and watch their independent explorations unfold.

This is a reminder to join TinkerLab Schoolhouse before the doors close in just a few hours.

If you're ready…

To nurture your child's inner artist and inventor, while having more time to enjoy the process…

… To see your child make art and tinker without overwhelm for you ...

For a proven monthly system that helps you set up creative prompts with ease, REGARDLESS of your artistic knowledge.

Then you're ready for TinkerLab Schoolhouse.

I look forward to welcoming you inside!


Founder, TinkerLab

PS - Doors close today (Tuesday) at 11:59 pm PT to join TinkerLab Schoolhouse in our fall enrollment.

I invite you to leave overwhelm behind…

… and instead nurture your child's inner artist and inventor.