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What's Hot This Week

Last Surviving Copy of Handwritten Shakespeare Play Goes on Display

by Tia Ghose, Senior Writer

The only surviving example of William Shakespeare's penmanship will be on display through March at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C.

Stunning New 'Drowned Apostles' Discovered on Seafloor
by Tia Ghose, Senior Writer

The iconic tourist attraction the 'Twelve Apostles' have gained some new followers – underwater spires that formed 60,000 years ago.

Around the Web:
The Lost Tunnels Buried Beneath the UK

By Chris Baraniuk, BBC

A vast network of 200-year-old tunnels lies beneath Liverpool’s streets – and no one knows why they’re there. Chris Baraniuk meets the dedicated volunteers digging up their secrets.

How to Fix 5 Common iPhone & iPad Security Threats

Unfortunately, the days of Apple devices being “bullet-proof” from various security threats are long gone. Although it’s true that they are probably still more secure than Android, the gap is rapidly narrowing...

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