⚡ Justin Markle - Head of Wireless Partnership Development, Comcast ⚡ Nishith Kumar - Director, Global Business Development, Uber ⚡ Alex McGlothlin - Lead Economist, MITRE Corporation ⚡ Dave Cantin - President & CEO, The Dave Cantin Group ⚡ Steve Bell - Chief Analyst, Connectivity, Wards Intelligence ⚡ Adam Ragozzino - Principal Analyst, Electrification, Wards Intelligence ⚡ Christie Schweinsberg - Principal Analyst, Sustainability & Digital Economy, Wards Intelligence ⚡ Bob Gritzinger - Editor-in-Chief, WardsAuto ⚡ David Kiley - Senior Editor, WardsAuto ⚡ Dave Zoia - Senior Director, Content, Wards Intelligence ⚡ Jim Irwin - Editor, WardsAuto |