British Business Bank Start Up Loans Now Available

A Start Up Loan is a government-backed personal loan available to individuals looking to start or grow a business in the UK.  The loan is unsecured, so you won't need to provide any assets or guarantors to support your application.

All owners or partners in a business can individually apply for up to £25,000 each, up to a maximum of £100,000 per business.


Business Support Programmes

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce launched three new business support initiatives aimed at bolstering the growth and scalability of businesses within the Scottish ecosystem.

  • AI and Digital Capabilities: A Growth Catalyst for Scottish Businesses
  • Creating a Strategy for Transformational Growth
  • Supporting the Net Zero Journey
Click here to find out more 

Advice On How To Develop Quality Food Tourism Experiences

The food tourism industry guide is a user-friendly guide to help businesses develop, market and deliver a quality food tourism experience for visitors to Scotland. 

The guide includes advice on how to create a quality food tourism experience, from development right through to post-experience engagement, how to reach the right audiences and attract new visitors and how to source and use more local produce across a food tourism experience or business.

Click here to find out more

Amazon Accelerator Programme 

Fife Chamber is partnering with Amazon to promote the Amazon Accelerator programme.

The programme is targeted at small and medium-sized businesses with topics covered including leadership and management, continuous improvement, and developing a growth mindset. Guest speakers will deliver talks on data, sustainability, and digitalisation. 

For more information, email Stacey Willis at Fife Chamber.

Scotland's Migration Service

Scotland’s Migration Service provides information and legal advice to help Scottish employers navigate the UK immigration system to meet their recruitment and staff needs.

Employers and investors can find information on a range of topics, including how to get a sponsor’s licence and the visa routes available for staff and investors. You can also book free one-to-one appointments with a qualified immigration lawyer to receive clear, confidential, and personalised advice.  

Click here to find out more

Local Energy Scotland - Community Energy Generation Growth Fund

The Community Energy Generation Growth Fund will support community groups across Scotland to set up renewable energy generation projects.

Funding can be used for a range of projects such as, developing and installing community-owned renewable energy generation, including wind, solar PV and hydro.

Click here to find out more

Read the Flexibility Works Enewsletter

Flexibility Works is a boutique consultancy and training organisation that provides practical tools, support and resources to help employers create a successful flexible working culture. 

Click here to read the Summer newsletter now

Inspiring Scotland - Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund

The Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund seeks to inspire, encourage, and enable communities to explore and deliver ambitious ecosystem restoration projects locally.

It also seeks to raise awareness about the importance of local ecosystem restoration and address barriers faced by community-led efforts.

Click here to find out more

Free Consultancy Support For Fife-based Businesses

Fife’s Specialist Business Advice programme can provide small and medium-sized businesses in Fife that are looking to develop with up to three days of fully-funded consultancy support.

Tailored, expert advice is available from specialists across a range of topics from sales and marketing to finance, social media and legal issues.

Click here to find out more

Advanced Social Media Marketing Webinar

This course takes the experienced social media user to the next level. From examining a wider range of social media channels, assessing social media management tools through to monitoring your competitors.

You’ll also find out about the metrics you should be watching and get top tips on the rules you shouldn’t break.

Click here to find out more

Enterprise Hub Fife Expands Its Offering

Enterprise Hub Fife opened its doors in Glenrothes seven years ago as a pioneering one stop shop to inspire entrepreneurs and boost business growth.  

Now it has been refurbished to maximise the space to offer premium quality meeting rooms and office space.

Click here to find out more

International Trade Pathway - Smart Duty Management Part 1 - Inward And Outward Processing

Inward Processing (IP) is used to obtain relief from customs duties and import VAT on goods imported from outside the UK for processing. The basic principle is to allow UK exporters to be more competitive by reducing their processing costs. Processes that are permitted under IP include manufacturing, sorting, packing, repair, and refurbishment.

Under the UK Customs Code, traders are allowed three qualifying movements per year.  Those wishing to make more movements will require an authorisation from HMRC. This can be withdrawn from those who do not demonstrate compliance.

Click here to find out more

Surplus Furniture for Re-Distribution

With the opening of the new learning campus in Dunfermline due after the summer break, St Columbus RC and Woodmill High Schools are set to close. As a result, a variety of furniture that has been declared surplus to requirements is now available for redistribution to community groups, charities, social enterprises, or SMEs.

For further information, please e-mail

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