Fife Business Week Returns For Its 15th Year

Fife's major business event is back this year, running from 4th to 8th November.  

Continuing to offer a programme of inspiring workshops, masterclasses and networking opportunities, in person and online, Fife Business Week will bring together private and public sector organisations in a bid to promote opportunities, especially in Fife’s key sectors such as, Advanced Manufacturing, Food & Drink, Tourism, Energy, Fintech and Construction. 


Fife Start-Up Grant

Fife Council’s Start-Up Grant can provide individuals who intend to start a business in Fife with up to £500 towards the costs involved in starting to trade. Eligible costs include things such as equipment, stock and certification.

You may be eligible if you intend to start a new business based in Fife, or have started one in the past six months.

Click here to find out more

Scottish Loan Scheme

The Scottish Government has made funding available to Scottish Enterprise to provide loans through the Scottish Loan Scheme.

The Scottish Loan Scheme can provide funding of between £250,000 to £2 million (up to £5 million in exceptional circumstances) to growth focused Scottish companies that have a viable business plan and a clear ability to repay the debt.

Click here to find out more

Space Sector Routes to Market Programme

Are you ready to elevate your business to new heights? The space industry is expanding rapidly, and InvestFife and Strategem are here to help your business tap into this exciting market with our Space Sector Routes to Market Programme.

InvestFife's innovative Routes to Market Programme, designed to empower Fife businesses, the programme offers the knowledge, tools, and connections you need to thrive in the rapidly growing space industry.

Click here to find out more

Funding Available To Kick Start Local Green Hydrogen Projects.

Businesses will be able to bid for a share of up to £7 million of Scottish Government funding to help kick start green hydrogen projects across Scotland.

Support will also be available for work supporting the hydrogen supply chain and storage solutions, and will play an important role in helping the industry scale up as it responds to market demand.

Click here to find out more

Helping Disabled People Into Work

People seeking work who are disabled or have long-term health conditions are to be offered help from a dedicated employability adviser.

The initiative will be in place by next summer and involve advisers working with employers to develop roles suited to an individual’s needs.

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New Spiced Rum Launched By St Andrews Collaboration

Tayport Distillery and the Criterion Bar have announced the launch of 100 Chimes, a premium spiced rum that celebrates the rich history and heritage of St Andrews.

Crafted from the finest Caribbean rum, 100 Chimes is imported and meticulously blended in Fife. The recipe, developed in collaboration with the renowned Criterion Bar in St Andrews, celebrates their 150th anniversary.

Click here to find out more

Inspiring Women Leaders Event With Diljeet Dosanjh-Taylor

Diljeet Dosanjh Taylor is an inspirational figure in the world of US athletics, known for her dedication to empowering athletes and fostering a culture of motivation and success.

She is driven by a sense of purpose and passion, constantly asking herself, “Who did you empower today?” This commitment to empowerment extends beyond coaching, as she published a motivational book in July 2024 titled “Believe in Her – Why Girls Need Motivation and How to Cultivate It.”

Click here to find out more

Enterprise Hub Fife, The Place To Do Business 

Enterprise Hub Fife opened its doors in Glenrothes seven years ago as a pioneering one stop shop to inspire entrepreneurs and boost business growth.  

Now it has been refurbished to maximise the space to offer premium quality meeting rooms and office space.

Click here to find out more

Webinar - Time Management

This workshop will help you make more effective use of your time through efficient time management.

This workshop will explore topics such as the importance of effective time management, current usage of time and possible improvements and time-saving methods.

Click here to find out more

Funded Support for Employee Ownership

If you are interested in exploring employee ownership for you and your business, Co-operative Development Scotland can provide funded support from an experienced adviser.

Where employee ownership is identified as a potential exit strategy, they will carry out an employee ownership feasibility study. This report will examine potential ownership structures and look at governance, management, funding and how a transition would occur.

Click here to find out more

Culture of Enterprise Programme - Inspiring Future Entrepreneurs

The Culture of Enterprise programme helps inspire future entrepreneurs in Fife by linking education and industry. Run by Fife Council's Economic Development Team, with the support of local businesses, the programme teaches entrepreneurial skills to young people through a variety of exciting activities aimed at both primary and secondary schools in Fife.

Culture of Enterprise would be delighted to hear from any businesses interested in supporting the programme.

Click here to find out more

Volant Charitable Trust Large Grants Programme

The Volant Charitable Trust Small Grants Programme is prioritising the focus of its awards on charities and organisations that are particularly addressing poverty and deprivation, helping to support vulnerable groups who are most affected, with an emphasis on women, children and young people.

Click here to find out more

International Trade Pathway - Import Processes and Documentation

Importing goods and supplies from around the world can give your business a competitive edge in your domestic market or make your production costs more cost-effective. However, negotiating the international marketplace can be complicated and created challenges for the inexperienced operator.

This workshop considers the basic procedures, terminology and documentation involved in importing, giving you the knowledge needed to trade with confidence.

Click here to find out more

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