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Ticket giveaway – Toronto Screenwriting Conference 2017

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 02:47 PM PDT

The folks at the Toronto Screenwriting Conference (TSC) have asked us to give away one ticket to their conference which takes place on April 22 and 23. The ticket provides entry to the conference only. If you live outside Toronto you’ll need to arrange your own accommodation and transport.

How to enter

You’ll need to have a Twitter account to enter.

Tell us on Twitter why you want to attend the Toronto Screenwriting Conference. Please include @nsicanada in your tweet.

Tip: use your brilliant writing skills to make your tweet stand out. Funny and/or creative tweets tend to be popular.

Entries are being accepted until 10 a.m. CST on Friday, April 14.

Once all the entries are in, NSI staff vote on their favourite to decide the winner.

We’ll contact the winner through Twitter to arrange ticket pickup.

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The Toronto Screenwriting Conference (TSC) is a two-day weekend event that brings together screen-based industry professionals and offers advanced skills development and networking.

It’s designed to inform writers, producers, directors and development executives working in the film, television and interactive industries through the teachings of expert creative talent, authors and speakers specializing in the craft of writing for the screen.

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