Tu Salud News Update
Latinos at Greater Risk for Certain Avoidable Cancers

Access to preventive care could reduce the number of Latinos who develop infection-related cancers.

Oral Antiviral Drug Cuts COVID-19 Hospitalization in Half

Molnupiravir reduces severe illness and death, but it must be started within days after developing symptoms.

Rural Areas See Growing Incidence of Liver Cancer
From 1995 to 2016, hepatocellular carcinoma incidence in rural populations climbed by 218%.
Lack of Housing Linked to HIV, HCV Spikes Among People Who Inject Drugs
Unstable housing is also associated with a higher HIV viral load.
Healthy Recipe: Roasted Fall Veggie Vegan Tacos
Roasting brings out the sweetness in these fall vegetables.
Tu Salud Archives
Read previous issues of Tu Salud magazine.

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