1831 - The Prophet Joseph Smith receives Doctrine and Covenants 72, which appoints Newel K. Whitney to be a bishop of the Church in Kirtland, Ohio, and sets forth various responsibilities of bishops in the Church. (History of the Church, 1:239-241)
1835 - The Prophet Joseph was visited by a John Hollister, of Portage County, Ohio, who came to discuss religion. The Prophet spent all evening with him and he stayed with the Prophet that night. The next morning he admitted that while he thought he knew a lot about religion, he now realized that he knew very little. The Prophet wrote that it was "the greatest trait of wisdom I could discover in him." (History of the Church, 2:325)
1842 - The city of Nauvoo is divided into ten wards and a bishop is assigned to each ward. They are given the responsibility of providing for the temporal needs of the poor in their respective wards.
1961 - The first thirty missionaries, going to Argentina and Mexico, enter the Missionary Language Institute (MLI) to learn Spanish. The Alumni House on the campus of Brigham Young University becomes the forerunner of the Language Training Mission (LTM) and the Missionary Training Center (MTC), in Provo, Utah.
2005 - A new five-story meetinghouse is dedicated in Harlem, New York, the first meetinghouse of the Church in Harlem.