1839 - On about this day, sickness began to manifest itself among the Mormon refuges in Commerce, Illinois, who had fled the persecutions in Missouri. The weakened state from persecutions, the hot, muggy weather, and the swampy conditions of their new gathering place, all combined to make for an unhealthy situation in the area. The Prophet Joseph would spend time visiting and administering to the sick, "some had faith enough and were healed; others had not." The sickness would continue for several weeks with many of the sick camping outside of the Prophet's home along the river. Emma, and others, spent many hours caring for the sick during this time.
1840 - The Prophet Joseph Smith met with the High Council and "taught them the principles relating to their duty as a Council." The Prophet also records that "William Berrett, aged 17, was ordained an Elder in . . . England, . . . and took leave for South Australia, being the first Elder who went on a mission to that country" (History of the Church, 4:154).
1842 - The Prophet Joseph bought a horse, "which I named Joe Duncan" (History of the Church, 5:60).
1851 - Thomas L. Kane, a nonmember friend of the Saints with connections in Washington D.C., writes a letter to U.S. President Millard Fillmore, defending the character of Brigham Young.
1970 - The Spain Mission is organized.
2006 - Nathan E. White, Jr., a member of the Church from Texas, was installed as president general of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) at the 116th Annual Congress in Dallas, Texas. The society's members are descendants from those who supported the cause of the American Revolution. (Church News, August 12, 2006)