Hi John, Tasmanian-owned telco Launtel has officially launched its Blue Ocean gigabit NBN Internet service promising “lightning fast” services connecting the State with the global gigabit economy.
For the first time, Oracle Data Cloud is offering audience data for Australia-specific segments. From trolling, to threats of physical violence, to sexual abuse, the number of men and women falling victim to online harassment continues sadly rising. Australian small to medium businesses have called for government to introduce more small business friendly policies including the reduction of red tape, simplification of reporting processes and further business tax cuts. D-Link's new router works with both wired and wireless connectivity, letting you create secure, portable hotspots at 802.11AC speeds. The founder of the encrypted messaging app Telegram has come under pressure from Russia's Federal Security Service, with a demand the encryption keys for the app be provided to the agency. A day before a deadline set by the European Union, Google has taken steps to rectify what the political grouping had alleged was the use of its search engine dominance to favour itself in its comparison shopping service. The data breach at accountancy firm Deloitte shows that while the company may know a great deal about security, it appears to have done little to make sure that the vast amount of data it has is safe, the head of a cyber security firm claims. And of course, there's plenty more so for all the news visit www.itwire.com. Have a great day! Stan Beer, Editor in Chief, iTWire ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER & iTWire.com Contact: andrew.matler@itwire.com 0412 390 000