An OpSec slip from the North Korean threat group helps researchers attribute what was first suspected as a ransomware attack to nation-state espionage.
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 February 02, 2023
Lazarus Group Rises Again, to Gather Intelligence on Energy, Healthcare Firms
An OpSec slip from the North Korean threat group helps researchers attribute what was first suspected as a ransomware attack to nation-state espionage.
Discrepancies Discovered in Vulnerability Severity Ratings
Differences in how the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and vendors score bugs can make patch prioritization harder, study says.
Inside Killnet: Pro-Russia Hacktivist Group's Support and Influence Grows
Killnet is building its profile, inspiring jewelry sales and rap anthems. But the impact of its DDoS attacks, like the ones that targeted 14 major US hospitals this week, remain largely questionable.
Command-Injection Bug in Cisco Industrial Gear Opens Devices to Complete Takeover
Two security holes — one particularly gnarly — could allow hackers the freedom to do as they wish with the popular edge equipment.
Nearly All Firms Have Ties With Breached Third Parties
The average organization does business with 11 third parties, and 98% of organizations do business with a third party who has suffered a breach, an analysis finds.
Application Security Must Be Nonnegotiable
Companies need to keep security priorities top of mind during economic downturns so all-important revenue generation doesn't come with a heaping side order of security problems.
Beating the Odds: 3 Challenges Women Face in the Cybersecurity Industry
Companies need to be aware of the work culture they foster. Diversity and inclusion aren't just buzzwords. Increasing female visibility and improving female mentoring to help women enter and advance within the cybersecurity industry are key steps forward.
CISA to Open Supply Chain Risk Management Office
A new supply chain risk management office aims to help public and private sectors implement recent CISA policies and guidance.
Google Fi Users Caught Up in T-Mobile Breach
Google Fi mobile customers have been alerted that their SIM card serial numbers, phone numbers, and other data were exposed in T-Mobile hack.
Firmware Flaws Could Spell 'Lights Out' for Servers
Five vulnerabilities in the baseboard management controller (BMC) software used by 15 major vendors could allow remote code execution if attackers gain network access.

Will Cybersecurity Remain Recession-Proof in 2023?
Demand for skilled professionals will remain high, but cyber budgets will be eaten away.

Are Your Employees Thinking Critically About Their Online Behaviors?
Three mindset shifts will help employees build a habit of vigilance and make better security decisions. Move past security theater to reframe thinking so employees understand data's value, act with intention, and follow data best practices.

Phishers Trick Microsoft Into Granting Them 'Verified' Cloud Partner Status
Everyone on Twitter wants a blue check mark. But Microsoft Azure's blue badges are even more valuable to a threat actor stealing your data via malicious OAuth apps.

Why CISOs Should Care About Brand Impersonation Scam Sites
Enterprises often don't know whose responsibility it is to monitor for spoofed brand sites and scams that steal customers' trust, money, and personally identifiable information.

Checkmarx Launches Threat Intelligence for Open Source Packages
The new API incorporates threat intelligence research and employs machine learning to identify threats in the supply chain.
  • The Ransomware Evolution: Protecting Against Professionalized Cybercriminal Operations

    Ransomware gangs are highly professional operations, with teams dedicated for customer service, help-desk, software development, distribution, and even marketing. There are marketplaces where attackers can easily pick up ransomware and attack infrastructure. Does your organization understand what kind of cybercriminal ...

  • Deciphering the Hype Around XDR

    Security teams are increasingly being asked about the organization's Extended Detection and Response capabilities. There is still a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about XDR and what it can accomplish. XDR goes beyond endpoint monitoring and detection, while extending visibility ...

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