Usually focused on going after cryptocurrency organizations, the threat actor has begun targeting defense companies around the world.
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 April 13, 2023
Lazarus Group's 'DeathNote' Cluster Pivots to Defense Sector
Usually focused on going after cryptocurrency organizations, the threat actor has begun targeting defense companies around the world.
Microsoft: NSO Group-Like 'QuaDream' Actor Selling Mobile Spyware to Governments
Researchers at Microsoft have discovered links between a threat group tracked as DEV-0196 and an Israeli private-sector company, QuaDream, that sells a platform for exfiltrating data from mobile devices.
Microsoft Patches 97 CVEs, Including Zero-Day & Wormable Bugs
The April 2023 Patch Tuesday security update also included a reissue of a fix for a 10-year-old bug that a threat actor recently exploited in the supply chain attack on 3CX.
1M+ WordPress Sites Hacked via Zero-Day Plug-in Bugs
A wide-ranging campaign to inject malicious code into WordPress-run websites has been ongoing for at least five years.
Pair of Apple Zero-Days Under Active Exploit; Patch & Update Accordingly
Unpatched Macs, iPhones, and iPads open to browser takeover and system kernel-level malicious code execution, Apple warns.
Cybercriminals 'CAN' Steal Your Car, Using Novel IoT Hack
Your family's SUV could be gone in the night thanks to a headlight crack and hack attack.
Samsung Engineers Feed Sensitive Data to ChatGPT, Sparking Workplace AI Warnings
In three separate incidents, engineers at the Korean electronics giant reportedly shared sensitive corporate data with the AI-powered chatbot.
Russia's Joker DPR Claims Access to Ukraine Troop Movement Data
A hacktivist group working with Russia claims it breached DELTA, the Ukrainian battlefield management system (BMS).
'BEC 3.0' Is Here With Tax-Season QuickBooks Cyberattacks
In next-gen, credential-harvesting attacks, phishing emails use cloud services and are free from the typical bad grammar or typos they've traditionally used (and which users have learned to spot).
Rethinking Cybersecurity's Structure & the Role of the Modern CISO
A CISO with a focused role will be better prepared to thrive in an organization and accelerate adoption and understanding of cybersecurity.
How Password Managers Can Get Hacked
Password managers aren't foolproof, but they do help mitigate risks from weak credentials and password reuse. Following best practices can contribute to a company's defenses.
LastPass Breach Reveals Important Lessons
Devastating cyberattacks often can be prevented with basic cybersecurity measures.
Bad Actors Will Use Large Language Models — but Defenders Can, Too
Security teams need to find the best, most effective uses of large language models for defensive purposes.
What to Discuss at RSA Conference — and It's Not ChatGPT
In-person conversations are a productive way to understand the state of the industry and learn new techniques. Take advantage of peers' experience, compare notes, and boost your skill set.

Where Are the Women? Making Cybersecurity More Inclusive
Stepped-up recruiting efforts along with better work-life balance policies and mentoring and recruitment programs will help balance the scales.

Australia Is Scouring the Earth for Cybercriminals — the US Should Too
It's time to get ahead of attacks before they even happen.

7 Things Your Ransomware Response Playbook Is Likely Missing
Incident response experts share their secrets for success when it comes to creating a professional-grade ransomware response playbook. Are you ready for the worst?

How and Why to Put Multicloud to Work
Complex multicloud environments present organizations with security challenges, but also opportunities for efficiency.

Fight AI With AI
By developing new tools to defend against adversarial AI, companies can help ensure that artificial intelligence is developed and used in a responsible and safe manner.
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