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LDS mother battling cancer is cherishing time, making memories

Jessica Herbert knows that her time is likely limited, and that knowledge has changed her life.

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Elder Holland responds to question from missionary who returned early

The video is a preview for the LDS Face to Face event that will take place Tuesday at 6 p.m. MST.

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BYU now owns its largest symbol: Y Mountain

BYU will make major improvements to Y Mountain Trail now that it has finalized the purchase.

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Teaching our kids about Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon translation

A dinner conversation turned into a discussion about how the Book of Mormon was translated.

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New mission presidents called to Missouri, Brazil and other missions

Eight new mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency.

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LDS World: Civility is essential to strong societies

Incivility has the capacity to destroy once strong, unified and healthy societies.

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Sen. Madsen's medical marijuana bill fails in what he calls a 'kill committee'
Native Americans protest at Capitol over observance of Columbus Day
LDS mother battling cancer is cherishing time, making memories
5-year-old Magna boy run over, killed in driveway
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