Important announcement re: WOMMA leadership
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Dear WOMMA community,

We wanted to take a moment and share that a planned leadership transition at WOMMA has taken effect. Several months ago, Harvey Morris came to the board and asked us to put together a transition plan as he wished to focus more on his personal life and well-being. He has been a tremendous leader for the organization and we wish him the best. His fond farewell sums it up: “It’s been my privilege to work with so many uniquely talented and passionate marketing professionals. I’ll treasure my time with WOMMA’s enthusiastic members. And I’ll be forever grateful for my experience as part of #TeamWOMMA, the hardest-working association staff around. Thank you!”

Our goal was to find a candidate that was passionate about our industry, the members we serve, and opportunities ahead of us. During our vetting process, we found one of our board members who fit the bill perfectly.

Effective May 22, 2017, Devon Wijesinghe will be WOMMA's new Executive Director. He will effectively function as full-time Executive Director, while also retaining his role as CEO of Insightpool, an earned influencer marketing platform.
Devon has experience building companies as an entrepreneur and was the founder/ceo of organizations that grew from nothing to over 3,000 employees. He brings a passion for driving the modern age of marketing and will be bringing the same gusto and energy to WOMMA. We are thrilled to have him on board with us. He will be reaching out to each of you soon, to get your perspective on things we can do to grow WOMMA together.  Until then, please don't hesitate to reach out to him directly at or by phone at 678-472-0082.

Thank you again for your continued support of WOMMA, we are thrilled to continue to move forward in 2017 together.

Your WOMMA Team

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