Join us and a national group of youth services leaders and their administrators for this robust networking and educational program.

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LJ & SLJ Public Library Youth Services Leadership Summit

Fort Lauderdale, FL 
March 12-13, 2020

LibraryCon Live! | Virtual Conference November 7, 2018

The people shaping the future of youth services are creating the future of libraries. In libraries large and small, a strong approach to youth services fuels a first, fundamental relationship that can be lifelong. A strong strategy prioritizes early development around multiple literacies, connections that support and complement school curricula, and programming and collections that inspire independent reading, thinking, and creation.

Join us and a national group of youth services leaders and their administrators for this robust networking and educational program where we’ll explore the top thinking that leading libraries are applying to youth services, as well as emerging thinking on community engagement, co-creation of services, partnership to expand impact, personal leadership skills, and other groundbreaking approaches that you’ll be able to put into practice in your community.

Who should attend: Heads of youth services, emerging youth services leaders, library directors — send your teams!

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