Thrifty Tips (May 04, 2019)
We are running very low on submissions. Does anyone have any frugal living or gardening tips, garden or pet photos? Or perhaps a step by step craft, DIY or recipe? We would love to see your creativity. Please send something in today.

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Thrifty Tip Contest

Send in your favorite tip on thrifty and frugal living. Tips selected for publication are entered in our Thrifty Tip contest which awards $50 to the best tip.

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Cleaning Tip Contest

Send in your favorite advice on cleaning, household chores and laundry. Tips selected for publication are entered in our Cleaning Tip contest which awards $50 to the best tip.

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Today's Featured Post

Leek and Walnut Pesto

By attosa

Leek and Walnut Pesto on pastaThis pesto might come off as a bit unusual sounding at first but it is absolutely spectacular. It came to be because I really wanted pesto but didn't have any of the common ingredients. It came down to what I had on hand: leeks and walnuts. This turned out so good, it's going to be one of my go-to dishes. I hope you try this out!

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Today's Guides
Using Peanut Oil Instead of Vegetable Oil
Peanut oil in 2 glass bottles with a plate of peanuts.
How to Remove Sticker on a Sweater
How Do I Get My Toddler to Take Medicine?
A picky toddler with a scrunched up face.
5 Great Reasons to Visit a Botanical Garden
A rose arbor over a path to a botanical garden.
Keeping Your Laptop Cool
A person using a laptop computer.
Managing Curly Hair
Girl with red curly hair.
Today's Posts

Recycled Plastic Bottle Boat

By 15mhhm15

Recycled Plastic Bottle Boat - hand holding the blue flag boatNeed a fun activity for the kids on a rainy day? We made boats out of plastic bottles and decorated them with supplies on I had on hand. They kept the kids occupied and they had fun making their toy boats.

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Toothbrush Holder to Protect Insulin Pen

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

A toothbrush holder next to an insulin pen.I live about 15 miles from my daughters and the big city she lives in. When I go into town, I have to take my insulin pen with me. Often, it's a bit tricky for me to just "throw" it in my small purse.

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Making a Lid Spoon

A foil lid being used as an impromptu spoon.Ever been stuck without a spoon when eating an individual serving of applesauce, pudding or yogurt? Just use the lid as a spoon! Learn how to make one in this short video.

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Killing Vines Without Damaging Soil

By Catherine

Simple drawing of 2 bottles used for this tip. I heard this solution on the French radio. It was given by the chief gardener of the Versailles palace in France. It works to get rid of vines like bindweed using strong systemic herbicide but without damaging the soil or other plants.

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Homemade Disinfectant Spray Cleaner

By Teri M

Homemade Cleaner IngredientsFor just pennies, yes pennies, you can have a disinfectant spray cleaner that is not only green, but frugal as well.

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Answer Questions and Earn!

We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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