Jul 16, 2020
By Mark Hemingway

The reticence of left-leaning media to highlight the widespread law-and-order failures of liberal politicians who dominate urban areas is also palpable, even though that reluctance is endangering black lives.
By James Carafano

No matter whether it is driven by insecurity or overconfidence, China’s increasingly intimidating stance is a problem the United States will have to deal with.
By Jake Dima

The City Council of Asheville, North Carolina, on Tuesday unanimously approved a commission to develop proposals for reparations to black community members and issued a formal apology for the city’s role in black inequality.
By Anthony B. Kim

Mongolia, a nation landlocked between China and Russia, has demonstrated a strong commitment to working closely with the U.S. on strategic issues, and has the potential to be an important geopolitical ally.
By Fred Lucas

Some of the worst hot spots in the U.S.—Arizona, Florida, and Texas—each have death rates well below the European average.

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