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Apr 26, 2017
Less than half of IT pros follow safe password management

Here's a frightening statistic: 53% of your peers reporting that they either haven't changed their social network passwords in over a year or can't recall ever doing so at all.more…


Government misses major cybersecurity plan deadline

Last week was President Trump's 90th day in office, which coincided with his self-made deadline for when he planned to have a strong and aggressive plan on improving the nation's cybersecurity efforts. more…

AI system Mayhem on display at Smithsonian

Artificial intelligence. It's so last year that it's now being displayed in museums.more…

Cybersecurity breaches cost companies billions

The financial impact of data breaches is extending far beyond any ransom payout, with lingering damages to perception being the biggest hit companies are facing. This is impacting shareholders and future revenue.more…

Shadowbrokers dump wealth of darknet exploits to use against Windows

With a name that probably should stay in space opera role playing games, a group known only as The Shadow Brokers released a hefty amount of Windows exploits online. Its main aim seems to have been at targeting a cyber-espionage group tied to the National Security Agency (NSA).more…

As if meeting the filing deadline wasn't frustrating enough 2 major tax season cybersecurity vulnerabilities

As the deadline for filing taxes draws nearer Apmore…

Tech fields still have a way to go when it comes to diversity

Some bad news coming out of the tech world: Diversity efforts and growth are slow-going. And it's not for a lack of trying either, with multiple companies actively pushing initiatives aimed at boosting their diversity.more…

IoT begs the question: Are we really stronger together or divided?

Let's face it. The idea of the connected "smart" building is appealing. Being able to control the temperature with an app, or to aggregate data from vending machines so inventory orders can be automated, has a certain amount of allure.more…



Fast-Forward Your Business with IT Automation

The window for capitalizing on innovation and opportunity continues to shrink, which means speed is now a competitive differentiator for business. With VMware and Sirius you can automate the provisioning, deployment, and configuration of the entire application stack, including the underlying networking components, at the speed business needs to stay ahead of the competition.

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The Essentials of Cloud 2017 Kit

The Essentials of Cloud 2017 Kit, includes the latest in information, coverage of important developments, and expert commentary to help with your Cloud related decision.

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