Charlottesville didn’t come out of nowhere

“The violence we saw this weekend was an aftershock of the U.S. school integration battles of the 1950s… In theory, the American left won those struggles against the far right; in practice, it settled for an armed truce…

“The moral for Canada is pretty clear. The Canadian left has also largely deserted the workers while supporting minorities. The Liberals pretend there is no working class, only hard-working folks trying to escape it. The Conservatives’ scare themes, like hijabs and ‘barbaric cultural practices,’ distract attention from workers’ real problems.

“Canada’s left should focus instead on creating an educated, resilient working class — of all ethnicities and genders — that can demand its fair share of the nation’s wealth and respect.” Story here. —Crawford Kilian

Why the American Left Failed, and What Canadians Can Learn

Prophetic book argues progressives abandoned fight for workers in favour of culture campaigns.

BC Launches Legal Fight Against Trans Mountain Pipeline

New government hires Thomas Berger for legal advice, turns to courts to block project.

Rebel Cofounder Quits, Citing ‘Lack of Editorial and Behavioural Judgment’

Brian Lilley ‘no longer comfortable’ at conservative media organization.

Looking Back from 2037: How Canada’s Food Revolution Began

A vision of future food democracy — and a chance to take the first critical steps to make it happen.

Charlottesville: Why White Educators Need to Fight Racism Every Day

Teachers have special role in fight against racism and white supremacy.

Singh Takes On MPs in Bid for NDP Leadership

Ontario MPP says social justice focus, organizing strength will overcome campaign challenges.

Going Green Means Construction Job Boom in Canada: Report

Efforts to cut greenhouse gases could bring 4 million jobs, Columbia Institute study finds.

Singh Takes On MPs in Bid for NDP Leadership

Ontario MPP says social justice focus, organizing strength will overcome campaign challenges.

Rebel Cofounder Quits, Citing ‘Lack of Editorial and Behavioural Judgment’

Brian Lilley ‘no longer comfortable’ at conservative media organization.

Why the American Left Failed, and What Canadians Can Learn

Prophetic book argues progressives abandoned fight for workers in favour of culture campaigns.