Dear John,

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, chances are you would agree that the leadership in our country — on both sides — is not as strong nor effective as we would prefer.

On more than one occasion I’ve heard friends and colleagues comparing our leaders today to the leaders of our past, looking for examples of what worked well.

Dad was a Margaret Thatcher fan. The job she did as Prime Minister of Great Britain was magnificent. She turned the economy around, helped restore pride and gave a sense of purpose and direction to her people.

Margaret Thatcher was a lady of unimpeachable credentials, including an iron will, and a strong moral foundation. Some of the things she said would serve us well today.

She said freedom does not include freedom from responsibility.

She believed there could be no freedom without a strong rule of law, "otherwise, there is freedom for the strong to oppress the weak."

Back in 1995, Mrs. Thatcher spoke in Searcy, Arkansas, to the students and faculty at Harding University. Someone asked her if the challenges facing the United States at that time were more economic or social.

She quickly replied, "It's moral."

She repeatedly referred to her admiration for America and the principles on which America was founded.

She said the Quakers first came to America "because they wanted to practice their own religion their own way. They came not for subsidies, because there weren't any."

Go even further back in time to the 1830's, when France's Baron de Tocqueville, after touring America, made this observation (and I paraphrase him):

"I have been in the factories and farmlands of America. I have been into the mines and I've seen the richness not only of the mineral resources and the great agricultural resources as well as the rivers and streams which provide so abundantly for America. America's greatness is not found in the breadth or the richness of the land.

I found the source of America's strength only when I went into the churches. America is great because America is good, and as long as America is good, America will be great. If she ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."

These two leaders spoke words of wisdom.

Anyone who faces the reality of today will agree that we are in a serious moral decline, and we need to be intentional about rebuilding that goodness.

Let’s each make it a goal to do our part.

You were Born to Win, so go ahead and Live to Win!


PS - Quote of the Day: “When you exercise your freedom to express yourself at the lowest level, you ultimately condemn yourself to live at that level.” — Zig Ziglar

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