InformationWeek Security
EU's Cyber Resilience Act Guide; Building a Culture of Security; 3 Steps for Cyber Readiness

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InformationWeek Security
April 18, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
What CIOs Can Learn from an Attempted Deepfake Call
An employee recognized something was wrong when they received an audio deepfake of the LastPass CEO.

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What Is the Cyber Resilience Act? Secure EU Compliance Simplified

Here’s what IT leaders need to know about the European Cyber Resilience Act and its global impact.
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Expect the Unexpected: 3 Lessons for Building a Culture of Security

The more security is ingrained into an organization’s daily practices, and the more security is everyone’s responsibility, the more vigilant and responsive an organization will be. Here’s what we learned from our own recent incident.
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3 Steps Executives and Boards Should Take to Ensure Cyber Readiness

Many teams think they're ready for a cyberattack, but events have shown that many don't have an adequate incident response plan.
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  • Stop living on the edge. Switch to the Branch of the Future

    Branch as we know has fundamentally shifted. Current SD-WAN solutions fail to meet the demands of hybrid work, cloud adoption, and better security. More importantly, they cripple the ability to improve operational efficiency when IT leaders are forced to do ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
5 Big Ideas from VulnCon 2024
Cyber security professionals and stakeholders met in North Carolina for the first annual VulnCon convention focused on vulnerability management. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Overcoming AI’s 5 Biggest Roadblocks
Nobody told you that artificial intelligence (AI) development would be easy. Here’s a look at how to surmount AI's biggest obstacles. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Priorities for Cloud Security in 2024
The pace of cloud migration has outpaced security. How can organizations prioritize cloud security this year? Read More

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