The future isn't cloud. It's multi-cloud

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Network World Small Business Technology Alert

Feb 09, 2017
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Lessons from the rise and fall of an open source project

The story of the CyanogenMod mobile firmware project perfectly illustrates the opportunities and perils presented by the open source software model. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

The future isn't cloud. It's multi-cloud
7 musts for any successful BYOD program
Microsoft will likely fix Windows SMB denial-of-service flaw on Patch Tuesday
(From our archives) Lights out! Why IT shops are disabling wireless AP LEDs
(From our archives) Router man: Creator of multiprotocol router reflects on development of device
(From our archives) 40% of Slashdot users surveyed really work fewer than ... what?

White Paper: Platform9

Making Sense of the Container Ecosystem

Choosing the right container orchestration tool can be difficult, but the right choice can help you deploy and manage cloud-native applications. In this eBook, you will find an intro and comparison of Kubernetes to Mesos, Docker Swarm and Amazon EC2 Container Service. Read More

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The future isn't cloud. It's multi-cloud

Cloud computing was supposed to simplify IT environments. Now, a study by Microsoft and 451 Research shows nearly a third of organizations work with four or more cloud vendors. Read More

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7 musts for any successful BYOD program

Mobile devices, mobile apps and the networks they use are now essential to satisfy customers, collaborate more effectively with suppliers, and keep employees productive anytime and anywhere. Read More

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Microsoft will likely fix Windows SMB denial-of-service flaw on Patch Tuesday

Microsoft will likely wait until February 14 to fix a publicly disclosed vulnerability in the SMB network file sharing protocol that can be exploited to crash Windows computers. Read More

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(From our archives) Lights out! Why IT shops are disabling wireless AP LEDs

Having seen all sorts of makeshift fixes – from post-it notes to bandages to condom wrappers – used to block Wi-Fi access point LEDs from beaming and sometimes blinking, some IT shops have begun turning off the lights altogether even though it can make their jobs a little tougher. Read More

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(From our archives) Router man: Creator of multiprotocol router reflects on development of device

William (Bill) Yeager, 66, creator of the multiprotocol router, reflects on the development of the device that fueled the growth of networking. Read More

(From our archives) 40% of Slashdot users surveyed really work fewer than ... what?

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White Paper: Dyn Inc

Extending Global Load Balancing to the Cloud with Secondary DNS

The bar for exceptional digital experiences has been raised-and for those businesses that rely on the internet to drive revenue, turning to a cloud-based infrastructure and CDNs are necessary to achieve the global footprint needed to meet new customer demands. Read this white paper to learn how to get started and explore the benefits of combining existing global load balancing (GLB) services with a cloud-based secondary DNS solution. Read More

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As network pros you understand that the value of connections increase as the number of connections increase, the so called network effect, and no where is this more evident than in professional relationships. Join Network World’s LinkedIn and Facebook communities to share ideas, post questions, see what your peers are working on and scout out job applicants (or maybe find your next opportunity).
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Google's crazy cool offices

25 Valentine's Day gifts inspired by tech, science and math Read More

Most-Read Stories

1. 14 Python libraries too good to overlook
2. Juniper founder, CTO Sindhu cuts role to focus on startup
3. Cisco: Faulty clock part could cause failure in some Nexus switches, ISR routers, ASA security appliances
4. Mac malware, possibly made in Iran, targets US defense industry
5. 5 things to know about Cisco and AppDynamics
6. 7 free tools every network needs
7. 19 free cloud storage options
8. 19 free cloud storage options
9. Early version of Windows 10 Cloud leaked
10. The end of net neutrality is nigh—here’s what’s likely to happen
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