Media Winners & Losers

Lester Holt

On Tuesday evening, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt was awarded the Edward R. Murrow Lifetime Achievement Award in Journalism.

"Whether broadcasting from political hotspots across the globe, or from American neighborhoods, Mr. Holt has a deserved reputation for delivering the truth with balance and humanity," said Dean Bruce Pinkleton, presenting the award in a virtual ceremony last night in "recognition of his prolific career in journalism."

In his speech, Holt talked about "unprecedented attacks" on the press, particularly from those demanding "fairness" or hearing "both sides" of an issue. "Providing an open platform for misinformation, for anyone to come say whatever they want, especially when issues of public health and safety are at stake, can be quite dangerous, he said.

Holt also made an apparent but oblique reference to recent examples of journalists being ousted over past comments, in this "era of YouTube and other social media." An era, said Holt, "where mistakes aren't forgiven. In fact, they're weaponized and mocked and live on forever."

He also warned against "snark" and "arrogance" in reporting, and emphasized the importance of reporting "what we know to be true, not what we wish to be true."

"Regard for truth must regain a foothold in our society so that we can weather the storms of tomorrow’s calamities. Tomorrow’s pandemics," Holt said.

It was a speech carefully worded and delivered with care, but containing some truly important insights and admonishments that anyone in the field would be wise to think deeply on.

Congratulations to Lester Holt on the honor, and on a speech demonstrating the qualities that earned it.

Chelsea Handler

Chelsea Handler had quite the hot take on Twitter Tuesday, suggesting that Derek Chauvin should not have a right to a trial because there is footage of the killing of George Floyd. 

The comments were made during day two of the Chauvin trial, and the comedian was heavily mocked on Twitter following the take.

“So pathetic that there is a trial to prove that Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd when there is video of him doing so,” Handler wrote, later doubling down when she faced backlash.

“Perhaps we skip trials when there is audio and video footage of the murder,” she added in a second tweet, replying to a Twitter user who noted that the United States justice system “would be even more chaotic than it already is” without trials.

“The scary thing will be if he is exonerated, even after the trial with the evidence presented,” added the Twitter user.

Pundits and talking heads from both sides of the political aisle were also quick to deride the comedian, many questioning when it became “woke” to “oppose basic due process in criminal procedure."

"Worst take I’ve seen on Chauvin trial. And that’s a high bar," reads one response. 

"The Constitution, what is it?" said another, exemplary of the overall tone of replies. Many came from the right. But not all. 

Even former Democratic hopeful Marianne Williamson weighed in, posting a simple: "Um, No."

The emotional outburst got little in the way of positive reaction.

The trial, during which the truth of the event will hopefully become widely understood and available, should be seen as a venue for both justice and catharsis. Not as an inconvenience.

The A-Block

Flood Gaetz Open in Bizarre Interview

Congressman Matt Gaetz appeared with Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night, to discuss the DOJ investigation against him, and his own accusations against former DOJ official David McGee. It was, in two words, a spectacle.

The interview left both the audience and Carlson himself rather stunned.

But on Wednesday a new wrinkle developed, as Attorney for Palm Beach County Dave Aronberg pointed out in an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe: Gaetz may have implicated Carlson as a witness to the alleged crimes for which Gaetz is being investigated.

"[Gaetz] may have made Tucker Carlson a witness, because on his show, he said ‘Hey, you remember the woman I was with. She was overage.'” Aronberg explained in an answer to co-host Mika Brzezinski 

“And this whole thing about extortion, as Joe correctly pointed out, that’s more of a smokescreen for the court of public opinion,” he added. “That is not a defense to a charge of child sex trafficking. So, let’s see what the evidence shows. I have a feeling we’re going to learn a lot more very soon.”

The guests and host laid out the situation so far, and the possible consequences for Fox's Carlson, in the fascinating segment.

In Other News...

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• Woman Who Spat on Local Reporter in North Carolina is Now Target of Police Search

Must See Clip

‘She BROUGHT the Fire!’

Minneapolis firefighter Genevieve Hansen caused a social media sensation as she testified in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, and fended off defense attorney Eric Nelson’s attempts to impeach her.

Hansen testified for an hour and a half at day two of the Chauvin trial, one of several star witnesses for the prosecution that day, about the officers’ refusal to allow her to give medical assistance to Floyd. But Hansen’s cutting rejoinders to Nelson’s various insinuations about her testimony earned her a flood of reactions on Twitter — as well as a rebuke from Judge Peter Cahill.

Many journalists and media figures reacted, and most saw Hansen’s testimony as devastating to the defense.

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