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Plus: How billion-dollar book companies are ripping off public schools, and more…
December 22, 2020
Let Them Eat $600

America needed a bigger boat. The latest stimulus package tosses a pair of arm floaties.

By Nick Martin


Billion-Dollar Book Companies Are Ripping Off Public Schools They’ve always overcharged for books. Now they’re demanding obscene costs for e-books.By Maria Bustillos
If the U.S. Already Had a Covid Variant, We Wouldn’t Know The new U.K. variant making headlines this week was caught with gene sequencing—something the U.S. hasn’t invested in.By Melody Schreiber


The Return of Corporate Tax Incentives Is a Bad Omen for Blue States New Jersey’s old corporate tax giveaway program was a hotbed of corruption that did little to spur the local economy. As local austerity looms, why is it even bigger now?By Alex Pareene
Congress Doesn’t Care About Your Surprise Ambulance Bill Dying? Hail an Uber, because lawmakers exempted ambulances from their medical-bill reforms—much to private equity’s delight.By Natalie Shure
Flight of the Barr Bros They’re young, white, male, and ready to cash in on their work for Trump’s Justice Department.By Ankush Khardori


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