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MIT OpenCourseWare
“Because of OCW, I have been exposed to ideas and concepts that I would never become aware of without it. I am from Honduras, a country where access to a world-class education is almost impossible. So, the fact that OCW has most of MIT's courses online let[s] people, like me, educate themselves."
- Sebastian, Student - College/University, Honduras
Dear John,

OpenCourseWare belongs to everyone. We especially hope to serve those who may have no other way to access or afford higher education.

If you can afford to support OCW, then please donate today. Your donation will help us ensure that OCW is available for those who need it most and will also bring us closer to reaching our challenge goal.

Thank you in advance for your consideration. If you’ve already donated, then thank you for joining our growing community of supporters.


Krishna Rajagopal
Dean for Digital Learning, Open Learning
William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics

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