Thursday, November 7, 2019 View in Browser   Letter from the Editor
November 7, 2019
Dear Subscriber,

One of the things I’ve liked the most about writing this column is when it spurs a thoughtful conversation with a reader.

That email address at the bottom of the column is real, it comes to me, and I read them all. I appreciate your support and praise for our work, but I also am grateful for suggestions, questions and, yes, even your criticisms.

I care deeply about the work we do, and I want you to know that it’s not done in a vacuum. The whole point of this column is to give you a window into what our journalists do, how we do it, and why it matters.

Turns out, you have opinions about it, too! Concerns about reduction in news staffing, and news content in our papers and online, is a common theme. And it’s no surprise that many of you write to tell me what you miss about what we USED to do. Here’s a sampling of what’s on your mind:

Susan: It's clear you have decimated the staff. …  You rarely cover restaurant and business openings and closings. Local restaurant reviews? No. Local concerts or plays? Not covered. When there are city events (street fairs, book fairs, etc.) they are usually not covered. I'm mainly interested in local reporting, and the way this is going, the product soon won't be worth the price. 

Dear Susan: Not-so-secret secret: I miss the old days, too! I miss being the monopoly, rather than Facebook, Google and Amazon! I miss my old colleagues, I miss the feel of the building shuddering when the press started up, I miss the genteel rhythms of once-a-day publishing.

Been through hell, and we’re still doing journalism. Is it less than it was? Yes. Have we made hard decisions? Yes. But we’re better at a lot of things now than we were in the good ol’ days. We’re quicker, more adaptive, we’re more productive, we’re better at using more tools to do our jobs. Our passion for what we do and our commitment to our communities is unchanged. Thanks for subscribing – it helps keep local journalism alive. John

And of course, sometimes you take issue with what we DO write about:

Bob: When I see a headline identifying the 10 best hamburgers or beers in Michigan I have to assume that it’s a very slow news day that needs to be filled with fluff.

Dear Bob: When we do Michigan’s Best food or beverage or restaurant posts, they are not due to slow news days. They are a part of our business strategy. There is journalistic merit, because we tell great stories about local businesses and entrepreneurs, AND they help people discover great stuff in Michigan. But, they also generate millions of views (because they are popular!) and that in turn generates online advertising revenue. We have to pay the bills, you know! John

Another common subject you write about is perceived bias. This is something I take very seriously – if you perceive bias in a piece done by an MLive journalist, please tell me. But often, it’s the state of media in America that is on your mind.

Melanie: Sir, I think you are blinded by your own bias. Yes, we need a free and FAIR press to challenge those in power. But when you only challenge one political perspective and not the other, you are not free or fair. Try reading your reports from the perspective of those who believe the Democrats and institutional bureaucracy are the corrupt folks and the president is the whistleblower. I sincerely hope you will open your eyes and your mind to seeking truth.

Dear Melanie: I come from a different perspective, not only from 37 years in the business, but also in studying journalism history. Those in power, regardless of their political persuasion, ALL feel like they are treated unfairly by the press.

My eyes and mind are very open. This isn't a hobby, it's a trade with rules, measures, ethics and a process of vetting our work. John

Finally, it’s rewarding when venting turns into a conversation and, occasionally, common ground.

James:  Do you call what you put online news? 30-second sound bites is more like it. How about all those workers? It is all about the profit margin.

Dear James: Thanks for writing. I have lost a lot of colleagues over the years to the changes we've gone through. No one who's been through this takes any joy in any of it; it's been brutal.

But it's about staying in business. The days of newspapermen getting rich was probably also the last time you were pleased with your newspaper – before the internet and social media exploded. Now they are the monopolies; we are in survival mode. John

James: You are right. I support your survival. I’m sorry to be negative. Just frustrated, like you. Please keep up your good work.



John Hiner
Vice President of Content for MLive Media Group
Share your thoughts with him at