Thursday, January 9, 2020 View in Browser   Letter from the Editor
January 9, 2020
Dear Subscriber, 

There are a lot of things we cover that fall under the category of “compulsory” journalism. Local news, for sure – from government doings to crime and punishment, tax and spending, pressing community issues.

And we’re obligated to cover the capital and politics – fights over the budget, policy issues, or trending stories like how the state would roll out legalized marijuana. 

And then there are topics you clearly love, because you consume so much of them: weather, college and pro sports, lifestyle topics like Michigan’s Best travel destinations and foods.

Every journalist at MLive has a “beat,” topic or topics that they focus on. They, and their editors, have latitude to decide what merits coverage, what to prioritize and how to use their time to report news for you, the reader. That news judgment isn’t taught in the science department; it’s subjective, and honed over time.

That said, all good journalists also are in tune with their audience. Not just watching what sources are telling them, or what readers are consuming. They also should understand what citizens need to know, and what their customers are interested in reading more about.

In that vein, it’s my time to listen to readers. What matters to you, in your local community or at a statewide level? I’d like you to tell me, whether it’s a specific story tip, a trend that you’ve noticed and want to know more about, or topics where you’d appreciate more and deeper coverage.

And not just to satisfy your interests. It’s a huge election year and Michigan is a critical state. Your input will help us shape coverage, how we hold candidates accountable, and help us report on information that may guide how you vote.

But it goes beyond the election. Here are some prompts to get you thinking:
  • Environmental issues: legacy pollutants and cleanup, water and natural resources, climate change
  • Government affairs: Taxes, land use, zoning and housing policy, education
  • Urban policy: Infrastructure, transportation, sprawl and gentrification
  • Social issues: Mental health; race, gender and sex equity; religion; abortion policy
  • Data mining: Stories drawn from data that describe how we live, how government prioritizes spending decisions, demographic changes, how institutions are performing
  • Lighter news: Sports, lifestyle features, entertainment, travel, food
I’d ask you not to be too general, like “More local news.” I hear that frequently from those who write me, and I understand that more is perceived as better. (I should note, our staff size is not likely to grow, but we did make a concerted effort to write more local stories in 2019.) What I’m asking is for you to help us prioritize our reporting efforts around the issues that matter to you most.

I will collect and share your thoughts with our editors, and I can assure you it will play a role in our coverage discussions, locally and statewide. I’ll look for trends in your responses, and report that back to you, along with my thoughts on what we can do and where we might be limited, as well as the reasons why.

News judgment may be more art than science, and we may not always agree on the outcome. But with your input, we can improve the discussion about what matters, and ultimately do a better job for you.


John Hiner
Vice President of Content for MLive Media Group
Share your thoughts with him at